aClause 1 of the Facility Agreement shall be included in this Agreement as if it had been set out herein ad seriatim, save that references in such clause to "this Agreement" shall be construed to mean this Supplemental Agreement. 设施协议的条目1在这个协议将包括,好象它此中开始的广告seriatim,...
all of the contracts that were signed last year will expire. So as soon as they expire, shippers may need to ship all of that product on the spot market. No large-scale shipper can go all in on the spot market," Sand said. "Right now, it's definitely not the preferred option." ...
- terms of renewal, purchase options, and escalation clauses- restrictions imposed2. if terms > 1 year: - minimum future rental payments in total and for each of the next 5 years- minimum sublease income due under non-cancelable leases3. all leases:- schedule of total rental expense ...
In recent years, those concerned about the Moon’s future have drafted the Declaration of the Rights of the Moon. Clause 2a states that the Moon has “the right to exist, persist and continue its vital cycles unaltered, unharmed and unpolluted by human beings.” Although, again, it remains...
Nevertheless, she shows a clause in the contract that says he will only be released from her grasp within six months, and not immediately. After Mizora is saved from the Mind Flayer pod, players can try to coerce a reward from her by using a Charisma check. If they pass, she will ...
The Great Deception a Ploy Called Christmas & Santa (Satan) Claus/Claws/The Satan Clause Pause at the * stanzas (Reading the Script voices of Narrator, Liars, and Children.) Narrator- Twas another night before Christmas and the children all did say___ Children-“Our hearts have now, been ...
A$15,000.00investment would yield a50% returnof the site’s net profits, paid monthly, for the life of the site, including any sale of the site. There would be a 10x multiplier buyout clause where at any point I have the option to buyout the investor for 10x of their original inves...
to appoint substitutes who will perform the necessary duty. Prresumably substitutes would not be obtainable unless the original saurii gave up their possessions to them; at any rate the implication of the whole clause is that in the second alternative the saurii lost their hereditary possessions....
But there are clauses in his new contract that, if his performance doesn’t improve, the deal could be terminated. Ferrari All eyes will be on Ferrari at the start of next season when Lewis Hamilton joins the team. The seven-time world champion is joining Ferrari in 2025 after 12 years...
clause classics circled cincinnati chromatography chromatic christiana choke chocolate chilling chien chef cheese charts challenged ceramic centralized cautiously catholicism catching carnival carnegie cares carefree canadian campers cameras caliber cage cadillac butyrate buns bulky buddhism bud brood bronx bronchioles...