Lawnmower Blenny, Coral Beauty, Yellow Watchman Inverts: Usual mix of snails/hermits, pistol shrimp Corals: Acropora, Montipora, Pocillopora, torch, hammer, Fungia, brain, colt, finger leather, cabbage leather, zoanthids, mushrooms I have encountered two problems in the past 2 months and I ca...
Okay'¦ I misunderstood>> I typically give it about 30 minutes, then turn the heads back on and allow current to do its work. <<Okay, excellent'¦ Though as stated in my previous reply the prepared foods are mostly too large for the scallops, though *blending* as you stated you do...
oneCoral Beauty, one yellow watchman goby, and four hermit crabs. I wanted to surprise my boyfriend with some Hawaiian feather dusters but was curious whether or not the Coral beauty would bully/eat it. I inquired with the fish store employee and was informed that they should be compatible ...