Merchant Cash Advance is an unsecured way of accessing finance and is not a loan. This means your home is not at risk. Liberis will ask you for Personal Guarantees if you are applying as a limited company or limited liability partnership. How long will it take me to pay Liberis? And, ...
*You are required to enter a bill reference when paying a merchant using their FPS proxy ID. ^Please click here for more details about “Registered payees”. Q5.12.4 How do I know whether my fund transfer instruction has been successfully submitted? If the instruction is accepted, the messag...
When vendors process virtual card payments, standard merchant processing fees apply.You pay an industry-standard fee for each transaction. Please see our current pricing page for details.Why do I have to pay a transaction fee?Paying by credit card normally results in per-transaction fees that ...
Visit for the complete list of the locations of Cheque Collection Boxes. The cheque or draft should be complete in all respects. Any material alteration must be duly counter signed. Make your payments at least 3 days in advance of your Payment Due Date to facilitat...
The transaction posting date is dependent on when the bank receives the transaction information from the merchant and this is usually within a few working days after the transaction date. Your Bonus$aver cards statements currently indicate the transaction dates for your transactions, but not the ...
I am an Eftpos merchant and I have a few Eftpos machines. What will happen to this arrangement after the transfer to Kina Bank? ANZ Eftpos terminals will be decommissioned from 8pm on Thursday 19 September 2019. The Kina Bank team will be in contact with you...
Visit for the complete list of the locations of Cheque Collection Boxes. The cheque or draft should be complete in all respects. Any material alteration must be duly counter signed. Make your payments at least 3 days in advance of your Payment Due Date to facilitat...