There is about 25 lbs of live rock, live sand, bio-wheel filtration, and a protein skimmer in the system, which has been up about 15 months and stable. The other inhabitants of the tank (a Yellow Tang, a Foxface, two Clownfish, two Damsels, a blood shrimp and hermit crabs) all app...
there are known physiological effects... on the blood chemistry, capacity to utilize foods... behavior. Can be purged within minutes to hours...> what is high levels we use sea water and discharge about 10000 gal pr hr looking for help thank you Percy <Need to start further back here....
hi i have only made one loaf of bread yummo, but now starter wont pass the float test, bubbly and nearly doubled in size, but still wont pass the float test I have been putting in warmest room in the house 21 degrees about some times 16 degrees feeding daily since i have made my f...
it gets sick again soon after.> I tried the tetracycline again and this time he'd hardly eat it (I think he just doesn't like it, he loves the Hikari pellets and frozen bloodworms that are his normal food). The
about 6 weeks. I treat the ick with MelaFix (which now I am not sure was the best thing). <... is not... the ich is still there... its presence (sub-symptomatic) is likely largely at play here> I feed the tank spectrum, flake, live brine, frozen brine, Mysis and bloodworms...
. . and diet is for the BTA is varied (formula one, Mysis with Selcon, live bloodworms). The anemone keeps itself 'canted' like a satellite dish toward the available light. I feed a bit heavier than I might otherwise. . . and keep the lighting cycle for that portion of the tank ...
She has eaten (attempted to) only about 2-3 times in about 3 weeks. Once she ate frozen blood worms and the other times she spit it out. Her normal diet is about 3 Cichlid pellets and some dried blood worms. <Like all cichlids, she'll eat when she's healthy. While she's sick,...
Also, there was a pool of blood behind one of his nostrils. All of my black neon tetras and the juvenile angel show no signs of illness and have been leaving the adult angel alone. <Good. Does sound like a systemic bacterial infection.> The pH has been between 7.8 and 8 (...
Given the rest of my tank parameters (outlined in previous email) plus my small portions of mini-pellets, wet-frozen blood worms and shelled, squished peas that the fish get fed (all eaten within 1-2 mins), I'm not sure what else to do? This began as a single colony on a Java ...
Re: Please help my Jawfish does not look good 1/5/03Thanks for answering back. As per your question on the Mandarin, we have it now for almost 7 months and it ONLY eats frozen bloodworms and picks off the rocks. <This is very rare and fortunate. Most mandarins refuse all prepared ...