Destroy (Baby A) was always chilling out, waving hello to the sonogram machine. Search (Baby B) was constantly on the move. He played hide-n-seek with the fetal heart-rate monitor and was never located in the same spot. Wait, I thought Search was born first? While I was pregnant, ...
What do I do if the method does not take effect for iOS devices? You must call the method in the play and canplay events. Otherwise, the method may not take effect. //Call the method in the play and canplay events. Otherwise, the method m...
Marketers that have received a Civil Investigative Demand (CID) from the Federal Trade Commission or a state attorney general related to a consumer protection matter typically have a number of questions about the process and what to expect. The following are some of the questions most commonly ask...
it has enjoyed one area of great success: the demonization of users of recreational illegal drugs (whether these users are responsible, irresponsible, or addicted), and the establishment of a completely unthinking double standard about the illegal...
To find more, try searching at ALTAVISTA, LYCOS, and YAHOO. If you have a science question, try the ASK A SCIENTIST project at MADSCI. If you can't find any information about your subject, it probably is not on the internet at all, and you'll have to go to the public library. ...
Q14: The Internet is full of information on the Grays, Reptilians, TauCetis, Cassiopeans, Arcturians, Andromidans etc. But nothing about Thiaooubans? A: There are endless possibilities to twist the truth. People on Earth who play with theories, fairy tales and scary stories - are not yet...
The FAQ is maintained by Richard "Sat" Connery, the maintainer of The Official Hexen II FAQ and The Unofficial Trinity FAQ. This is intended to be a compilation of all the information floating around the various websites about the new game by id Software: Quake II. It's the place where...
You can follow this link to find out more about the DirectX: How to install the latest version of DirectX APPLIES TO THESE PLATFORMS: Windows Can I switch to windowed mode? Yes, you can either do that in video options, or just press F11. APPLIES TO THESE PLATFORMS: Windows Where can...
Q: Can I put log files and sst files in different directories? How about information logs? A: Yes. WAL files can be placed in a separate directory by specifyingDBOptions::wal_dir, information logs can as well be written in a separate directory by usingDBOptions::db_log_dir. ...
Many cryonicists have cryopreserved their loved-ones and pets. Close relatives who have mixed feelings about future life on earth can often be encouraged by the fact that you intend to be cryopreserved and want to be in the future with them. For many people, making cryonics arrangements has ...