The assignee asks for a fapiao when the bill is paid The merchant will provide a QR code The assignee scans the QR code and fills in personal fapiao information and contact information (mobile phone number or email address) and company information The assignee will receive an email/message co...
查看YouTube 上的Microsoft 365 小型企业帮助。 可以在 Microsoft 365 管理中心查看Microsoft业务订阅的发票。 如果需要有关解释发票上显示的费用的帮助,请了解你拥有的计费帐户类型,然后参阅了解 Microsoft MCA 计费帐户的发票或了解 Microsoft MOSA 计费帐户的发票,详细了解计费对帐单。
A fapiao typically contains fapiao name, fapiao code and number, fapiao coupon and purpose, customer name, bank and account number, product name or business project, unit of measurement, quantity, unit price, capital and case amount, invoicer, invoice date, invoicing company (or individual), com...