The ultimate tool for crafting fantastic characters. Create unlimited character names and descriptions for over 60 different races in the D&D 5e universe.
Dungeons & Dragons pixie name generator. 1000's of names are available, you're bound to find one you like.
Like layouts, Monster names are slugified and added to the statblock container as classes. For example, a statblock rendering an Ancient Black Dragon will receive the.ancient-black-dragonclass. Colors The plugin creates and uses 4 CSS variables to determine the color of the statblocks. :root{...
Dungeons & Dragons Goliath name generator. 1000's of names are available, you're bound to find one you like.
Everything in this document is considered Open Gaming Content with the exception of the Open Gaming License, the D20 License, author's names and addresses, these disclaimers, and the artwork and graphics used in the document. The FanCC grants unlimited rights to copy and distribute the ...
started my first charater, was a male hume named konatsu, but then i got curious about the other nations, so i made a taru whm, and i wanted to make the name similar to taru npcs names, so thats when i thought of Irohuro Caitsith...
I will attempt to address all your points. First, adventurer was a real world occupation, though it certainly wasn't as prevalent as in D&D. It had different names, however, among them "explorer" (think Marco Polo), "mercenary", or both (conquistadors). D&D attempts to implement this as...
Everything in this document is considered Open Gaming Content with the exception of the Open Gaming License, the D20 License, author's names and addresses, these disclaimers, and the artwork and graphics used in the document. The FanCC grants unlimited rights to copy and distribute the ...
Dungeons & Dragons Hag name generator. 1000's of names are available, you're bound to find one you like.
Dungeons & Dragons Drow name generator. 1000's of names are available, you're bound to find one you like.