Accompanying the burgeoning interest in fantasy there seems to be an inveterate desire to chart these areas of the intangible. The maps in this atlas almost anchor their fantasy worlds to our more tangible world of every day, by providing them with spatial and temporal coordinates. An Atlas of...
“FANTASY A GETS a Mattress” won Best Narrative Feature at SBFF. Soon, those of us watching Seattle’s utility poles could chart the film’s growing momentum by the posters. One screening at The Beacon in Columbia City was so successful, the theater added another showing, then...
), directed by Denis Villeneuve, here is my interactive chart of 100 of the Greatest Science Fiction novels. Have some fun changing the order of the books and let the endless debate begin!
I drew up a chart between us, a familiar thing to anyone schooled in astronavigation (we both were). My fingers pulled gleaming lines like neon spaghetti from apparent nothingness, to illuminate the distance from here to there, but not back again. “ . . . six hundred AU,” you ...