Domdeluxury plays with her whip and looks down from the high throne at her new gift. Her maid, Pammy, (the commissioner of the painting) stands before her in traditional maid’s outfit presenting a precious new female slave, tightly bound in ropes. She kneels and gazes up at the beauty ...
Female Personality: Remi is an ambitious person with lots of patience, as long as she has a goal she can endure years of struggle to obtain said goal. She's a hardworker that is capable to juggle between her duty as an Ace and her lifetime projects. Despite her age, she doesn't dis...
I read a lot of great fiction by women. I found so much excellent work that I had to limit the book to the accepted historic start of modern sf (1926,Amazing Stories—a magazine that had a female associate editor on its masthead starting in 1927) and end with 1999. ...
It does not matter if you are male or female. I feel that anyone from the ages of teen to adult would love this story. Heck, they would love the entire series. There is very little language, a lot of Nick’s trademark sarcasm, and an ample supply of action. The only real down ...
RW: So let’s start this off from the beginning,I read that your husband gave you this idea for a female wizard spying for the Allies in WWII against the Nazis and basically said, see what you can do with it and you did. And you did it quite well if I may say so. Now where ...
and both of them female. The first was Georgia Hathaway, head cheerleader and wet dream of the entire male population at Anne Hutchinson High. The second one was Josephine Norman, a Scandinavian cold beauty with straight As in science and serious abandonment issues. She’s also my best friend...
He retained all the darkness, and somewhere, a female child was born with the other half of the soul made up of his light. His task was to find her and bind their souls together. It wasn’t easy to find their lifemate, and many of them succumbed to temptation, turning vampire, ...
not everyone was quite so impressed. I’m the first to admit Fantasycons are much better than they used to be. I attended one, or it may have been two, when it was at the Britannia Hotel in Nottingham, and it was awful. But starting with the one in York in 2014, there has been...
Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual Appearance: A tall young girl, very athletically built and fit as well as still feminine looking. Curly hair in a ponytail. Height: 5"8 Weight: 136lbs Hair Colour: Dark brown Eye Colour: Hazel brown Complexion: Very tan Features: Soft skin with freckl...
The pretty soldier got her.” VS: But not in Regine’s book – the alien ‘hunchback’ in this version does get his Happy Ever After ending with the Female Main Character. Yay! AmazonKU CHRYS: Thornscore, Volume 1 by EG Manetti was a standalone sci-fi romance “…where a space ...