However Beukes’s books always seem to leave me unsatisfied. I feel like they are blurbed and advertised in a way that promises something the books never deliver on. In this case, it was the world building. I wanted to know what the world looked like with most of the men gone. I ...
I can’t help but let my imagination go crazy with building the worlds in which my heroes live. Dawn: Blood Surfer is a science fiction romance, focusing heavily on romance rather than treating it as a mere subplot. First, why science fiction instead of fantasy? Have you felt a bigger...
It’s just such a bad idea and the series sets up a little romance for her but you can’t imagine it ending in anything other than a tragic way. It’s just not possible to climb while constantly having to protect others. She doesn’t seem to be working on her abilities either so f...
The Unkindest Tide: Resolution for the Selkie/Roane subplot The Unkindest Tideby Seanan McGuire It’s probably inevitable that any long series, even one I enjoy as much asSeanan McGuire’sOCTOBER DAYE, will have books that just aren’t as great as some of the others. And I want to be...
15 Most Anticipated Romance Books Coming Out The Rest Of 2024 There are many exciting romance books coming out throughout 2024, and some of the most-anticipated new releases haven’t even hit shelves yet. 24The Once And Future Witches (2020) ...
Seanan McGuire’sINCRYPTIDseries is a fun paranormal fantasy with a focus on monsters and romance. The first two books,Discount ArmageddonandMidnight Blue-Light Special, starred Verity Price, a ballroom dancer wannabe born into a famous family of monster hunters. The Price family were kicked out...
to breathe, but this genre tends to be fast-paced. Subplots are also important to help bring layers to the story. Romance is often a chosen subplot, but it’s important to make sure that you don’t let it take over the story. That may transfer your story into paranormal romance!Writers...
as withSomewhere in TimeandTime After Time, but this one is more a romantic comedy than a drama or adventure. Ruby has to decide if Sam’s for real, or just another loser, and the clues go back and forth as to his real story. Once again the romance here is not subplot or subtext...
the plot was about pushing a Quaker to the point where he would use a gun and go to war. I hated that. I don’t think that’s the only plot/arc available to Quaker characters: the above mentioned books and The Dazzle of Day have more than that arc to play with. If you want to...
Your characters should also be as different as possible, since they will often be working together. Having highly contrasting characters maintains reader interest, multiplies the potential for conflict with the hero and will suggest many new subplot possibilities. ...