Escape into fantasy with your next favourite book series.Kaiya Parks was running out of time to decide her future when a single choice plunges her into the middle of a decades-old battle against the shadows. To defeat the coming darkness three wielders are chosen, gifted unimaginable power ...
To celebrate the heritage of the genre, I’ve assembled a list of my favorite fantasy book series of all time for young adults and adults who love the adventure of new worlds, species, and magic systems. The Galactic Mage The Hunger Games Trilogy The Hollows Series Anita Blake, Vampire Hun...
under the same genre, thetop young adultfantasy series are all very distinct. Some great YA fantasy collections focus on star-crossed lovers while other fantasy series for young adults incorporate lots of action. Many of the most popular YAfantasy book serieshave been adapted into big budget ...
The story behind this fantasy adventure book is just as attractive. Brandon Sanderson wrote it for himself only. He shared it with his wife, but he had no intention to publish it… But his wife insisted, and it became a hit. And to be honest, I think you can create a masterpiece ...
1 Comment on Justin’s Book List Shadow & Claw – Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe Very little needs to be said here. One of the best series ever written, bar none.Gormenghast by Mervyn Peake I’ve been wanting to read Peake for years and finally acquired the Gormenghast trilogy rece...
It is in many ways a book that you can read to your child who you want to discipline. The parents with buttons for eyes are truly horrifying. Although aimed at kids. The prose of this book is something that includes parental guidance. ...
The book’s epilogue ties up the story and gives us a flash forward into the characters’ lives several years down the road, and while it’s a little disconcerting to see them all as adults, it’s also wonderful. And yes, the conclusion is quite definitely a conclusion… but I’d pay...
In 1947,Robert A. Heinlein, after almost a decade of producing high-quality science fictional short stories and novellas for adults, came out with his first novel,Rocket Ship Galileo. The book was geared to younger readers, and would prove to be just the beginning of a landmark series of ...
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