Had Dalton, as portrayed by one of Hollywood’s most outspoken champions of environmental preservation, served as the narrator ofLouie Schwartzberg’s documentary, “Fantastic Fungi,” that is precisely how he would’ve described its titular subject. Just as the survival of DiCaprio’s aging actor...
Food & Drinks Merch Gift Cards Shop All FORAGER BOX Discover the magic and mystery of mushrooms with our curated collection THE FILM LEARN Our Story Journal Fungi Field Guide Which Mushroom Are You? Rewards Louieland LOUIE SCHWARTZBERG Explore the beauty and wisdom of nature with award-winning fi...
“Fantastic Fungi – The Mushroom Movie” (A Special Documentary) NR | 2019 | 81 min | Movie This documentary movie is hosted by the New River Valley Mushroom Club. Admission is $10 each, in advance or day of the show. For advance ticket purchase, please use this link:Purchase Tickets ...
Narrator Brie Larson (yes, Captain Marvel herself) introduces fungus, or more accurately, fungi … since we are told there are 1.5 million species – 20,000 of which produce mushrooms. Despite the presence of Ms. Larson, this isn’t a superhero movie. No, it’s much more important. In ...