Our whale watching cruises are unique to Sydney with a marine biologist on every departure and a hydrophone to hear the whale song underwater. Our fleet of water taxis not only offer point to point services to move people around Sydney with not a traffic light in sight, the ...
幻多奇遊輪 (Fantasea Cruises) 經營多條遊輪和渡輪 雪梨海港, 皮瓦特(Pittwater) 、埃塔隆和瓦格斯塔夫,包括觀光、日落巡遊
Stop off at Taronga Zoo for a day exploring Sydney's harbourside Zoo 從環形碼頭、情人港或屈臣氏灣出發,沿著悉尼港前往塔龍加動物園 探索曼利 (Manly) 的海灘,或前往沃森灣 (Watson's Bay),在當地的炸魚薯條店吃點東西 在乘坐 Harbour Hopper 到達之前預購塔龍加動物園的門票 ...
VIVID Sydney will light up the main precincts of Sydney Harbour with each year getting bigger and better than the year before To make the most out of your evening, Fantasea's Vivid Sydney Harbour Cruises depart three times nightly 4.1/5 ...
雪梨China Town散策—>CLEARVIEW CRUISES玻璃船晚宴 夜宿:Holiday Inn Darling Harbour雪梨達令港假日飯店(飯店比價) Day 3:Pancake on the rock早午餐—>The Rock 週末市集—> Tea cozy午茶—>雪梨歌劇院導覽—>Portside SydneyOpera House午茶—> Handpicked Wines品酒—>ICG Incredible Chicken韓式炸雞、部隊鍋 ...
We did whitehaven and hamilton island with fantasy cruises.You do not need more then 3 hours in whitehaven. Its just beach and sand. If we did a full day, It would have been too much. 3 hours was perfect.3 hours on hamilton island is not enough. You're bes...
幻多奇遊輪 (Fantasea Cruises) 經營多條遊輪和渡輪 悉尼海港, 皮瓦特(Pittwater) 、埃塔隆和瓦格斯塔夫,包括觀光、日落巡遊
VIVID Sydney will light up the main precincts of Sydney Harbour with each year getting bigger and better than the year before To make the most out of your evening, Fantasea's Vivid Sydney Harbour Cruises depart three times nightly Reviews ...
VIVID Sydney will light up the main precincts of Sydney Harbour with each year getting bigger and better than the year before To make the most out of your evening, Fantasea's Vivid Sydney Harbour Cruises depart three times nightly Reviews ...
VIVID Sydney will light up the main precincts of Sydney Harbour with each year getting bigger and better than the year before To make the most out of your evening, Fantasea's Vivid Sydney Harbour Cruises depart three times nightly Reviews ...