Data solutions for everyone. FanRuan combines analysis, dashboards, and integration to unlock insights so that you can focus on growth.
校园招聘 一键投递 面向应届生的大型项目 毕业时间:2024年9月~2025年8月 社会招聘 一键投递 面向具有一定工作经验的社会人才 实习生招聘 一键投递 日常实习:面向全体在校生,提供实践机会 千帆实习:面向应届毕业生,提供转正机会 帆软软件有限公司(以下简称“帆软”)成立于2006年,是中国专业的大数据BI和分析平台提供商...
Fanruan may also use and share aggregated, non-personally identifiable data for research, external training and marketing purposes. How to contact us We have appointed a Data Protection Officer to oversee our management of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If you have...
At FanRuan, we transform data into value. Our mission is to help organizations worldwide unlock insights and drive success through the power of data.
档 AI 助 手 联系我们 在线支持 获取专业技术支持,快速帮助您解决问题 工作日9:00-12:00,13:30-17:30在线 页面反馈 针对当前网页的建议、问题反馈 售前咨询 采购需求/获取报价/预约演示 或拨打: 400-811-8890 转1 热线电话 咨询/故障救援热线:400-811-8890转2 ...
fanruan open source projects. 8followers Popular repositoriesLoading fineuifineuiPublic UI framework for FineBI and FineReport. JavaScript10242 intelli-swift-coreintelli-swift-corePublic Distributed, Column-oriented storage, Realtime analysis, High performance Da...
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