Use the set_fanout_load command to set the expected fanout load value for output ports. 上面说set_max_fanout是用来设置input port,set_fanout_load是用来设置output port。例如一个output pin,.db中它的max_fanout = 5,如果用set_fanout_load10 ...,是不是该pin的max_fanout 就成为10了,还是综合后该...
A multiplexer (MUX) circuit with balanced select line loading is provided. The MUX circuit includes a plurality of 2:1 MUX units coupled together in a multistage cascading arrangement, along with a selection module coupled to the MUX units. The MUX units are arranged in an initial MUX stage,...
slog: Handler chaining, fanout, routing, failover, load balancing... Design workflows ofsloghandlers: Fanout: distributelog.Recordto multipleslog.Handlerin parallel Pipe: rewritelog.Recordon the fly (eg: for privacy reasons) Router: forwardlog.Recordto all matchingslog.Handler ...
A multiplexer (MUX) circuit with balanced select line loading is provided. The MUX circuit includes a plurality of 2:1 MUX units coupled together in a multistage cascading arrangement, along with a selection module coupled to the MUX units. The MUX units are arranged in an initial MUX stage,...