名字太长念不出来,所以起了两个好念的昵称。先有的Fannie Mae,后有的Freddie Mac,正好一男一女两...
federal第一个音节,(fai)national第一个音节,(nai)fai+nai连着,自己读5遍,换成英文里有的发音,就成faini了,写作fannie。mortage第一个音节,mo association第一个音节,ai mo+ai连读,mai,同理写作mae that's it……
北京时间7日晚,房利美公司(Fannie Mae,即The Federal National Mortgage Association联邦全国按揭协会,成立于1938年,总部位于华盛顿DC)周三公布的一份月度调查报告显示,1月份,美国消费者对住房市场的信心上升至近两年来的最高水平,因为人们对自己的工作更有信心,并预计抵押贷款利率将下降。
房利美(Federal National Mortgage Association,简称:Fannie Mae),即联邦国民抵押贷款协会,成立于1938年。是政府出资创建,从事金融业务,用以扩大资金在二级房屋消费市场上流动的资金。 1944年,房利美的权限扩大到贷款担保,企业紧要有退伍军人负责经营管理。1954年,房利美进展成为股份制企业。1968年,Raymond H. Lapin 成为...
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are huge, systemic risks to the global financial markets and American homeowners. Shaky Ground: The Strange Saga of the U.S. Mortgage Giants book cover. Source: Amazon.com Some of the major concerns involving investors’ money right now include China, ...
I have never paid much attention to the Fannie Mae stock quote, but know there has been a lot of volatility and uncertainty there in the last several years. Many people who have a mortgage on their home have probably heard of Fannie Mae. We recently refinanced our mortgage because interest...
Fannie Mae Entering Reverse Mortgage MarketDEBORAH LOHSE
Fannie Mae buys mortgage loans from lenders to free up your lender's ability to make new loans to homebuyers. Typically, you would continue to make your mortgage payment to the same mortgage servicer. What Are the Benefits of a Fannie Mae Mortgage Loan? Fannie Mae offers flexible options to...
Fannie Mae offers a number of business initiatives and credit options to homeowners, working with lenders to help people who might otherwise have difficulties obtaining financing. HomeReady Mortgage:This product allows homeowners to secure financing and purchase a home with a low down payment. Borrower...
Fannie Mae, the Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), is agovernment-sponsored enterprise(GSE) chartered by Congress to stimulate homeownership and provide liquidity to the mortgage market.1Established in 1938 during theGreat Depressionas part of theNew Deal, Fannie Mae helps low- to moderate...