THE MOTHER OF VOTER REGISTRATION - The Fannie Lou Hamer Story chronicles the life of Mrs. Fannie Lou Hamer through poetically styled storytelling. The story of minority civil rights movement.
Fannie Lou Hamer.J. Jordan
美国副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯星期四接受民主党总统候选人提名。整整60年前,另一位黑人妇女在1964年民主党全国代表大会上发表电视讲话,挑战密西西比州全白人代表团的席位,令全国为之着迷。 范妮·卢·哈默(Fannie Lou Hamer)在新泽西州大西洋城的资历委员会上的证词生动而直率。 她描述了自己是如何因为试图登记投票而被种...
Tag Archives: Fannie Lou Hamer LOVE Doing Good 07 Dec I love doing many things, and doing good things has me feeling fantastic. Each thing I do gives me a different level of joy: taking long baths with attars, essential oils and bubbles writing and interpreting my dreams creating books fro...
作者:Chana Kai Lee 出版社:University Of Illinois Press 出版时间:2000-00-00 印刷时间:2000-00-00 页数:255 ISBN:9780252069369 ,购买For Freedom\'s Sake:The Life Of Fannie Lou Hamer《为了自由——法尼·罗·哈默的生活》【英文原版,by Chana Kai Lee】等外
Fannie Lou Hamer was a civil rights activist who helped African-Americans register to vote and co-founded the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party. Click to read more facts and information or download the worksheet collection.
Hamer spent the next eighteen years working in the fields chopping cotton. Her husband also ran a small saloon, and they made liquor to sell. "If this is a Great Society, I'd hate to see a bad one."—Fannie Lou Hamer In August 1962, Hamer attended a meeting sponsored by the ...
“She was a warrior in the fight for voting and civil rights. Given the surge in voting restrictions across the country as well as the attempts to limit access to Black History, it’s critically important to learn about the sacrifice and success of Fannie ...
“Black History is American History and we have a duty to make sure our children and grandchildren know our struggle,” adds Djehuty Se Hotep, producer of “The Fannie Lou Hamer Story.” He adds, “Mzuri created this play after being moved by footage of Hamer’s truthfu...