Garvey's real name is Fang Jiawei. How old is Garvey? Garvey's birthday is Jan 20, 2002, so he is 22 years old. What devices does Garvey use? We have no information on the Garvey gears. How much money has Garvey made? Garvey winnings $49 754. What game does Garvey play...
( zuogushenjing1haofangjiawei ) 坐骨神经Ⅰ号方加味 主治: 散寒祛湿,舒筋活络。主寒热瘀阻。 处方: 川牛膝60-120克,黄柏9-12克,生苡仁30-40克,川芎10-12克,木瓜12-18克,细辛4-6克,苍术10-15克,独活10-15克,土鳖虫10-15克,桑寄生30克,淫羊藿30克,鸡血藤30克,伸筋草30克,赤芍15克,白芍15克,生...
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Jiawei Fangji Huangqi, a modified form of Fangji Huangqi, is a prescription comprising seven herbal medicines. To address the chemical complexity of the Jiawei Fangji Huangqi decoction, we integrated ion mobility-quadrupole time-of-flight high-definition MSE coupled to ultra-high-performance liquid ...
1) Tongxie Yaofang Jiawei 中药痛泻要方 1. AIM: To observe the clinical efficacy of Tongxie Yaofang Jiawei (TYJ) combined with Deanxit in the treatment irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). 目的:观察中药痛泻要方加味联合黛力新治疗肠易激综合征(IBS)的临床疗效。 2) Tongxie Yaofang 痛泻要方...
1) jiawei tongxie yaofang 加味痛泻要方 1. objective:To observe curative effect ofjiawei tongxie yaofangon IBS by retention enema. 目的:观察加味痛泻要方保留灌肠治疗肠易激综合征的疗效。 2) Additives 加味 1. Effect of Liuwei Dihuang Decoction and ItsAdditiveson Boosting Spermatogenesis in Spe...
虎潜丸 虎潜丸 知识 健步虎潜丸 相关方剂 虎潜丸 补中虎潜丸 除湿虎潜丸 加味虎潜丸 健步虎潜丸 目录 《医宗金鉴》加味健步虎潜丸 《金鉴》加味健步虎潜丸 ▼ 相关方剂 ▲ 返回目录 《医宗金鉴》卷八十九:加味健步虎潜丸 【处方】龟胶(蛤粉炒成珠)鹿角胶(蛤粉炒成珠)虎胫骨(酥油炙)何首乌(...
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方剂类型:解表剂、清热剂、泻下剂、祛风湿剂、祛湿利水剂、温里剂、理气剂、消导剂、驱虫剂、止血剂、活血剂、化痰止咳平喘剂、安神剂、熄风剂、开窍剂、补益剂、固涩剂。 方剂剂型:汤剂、丸剂、散剂、膏剂、丹剂、酒剂、药酒、冲剂、口服液剂、胶囊剂、片剂 【用法用量】加生姜,水煎,临服加好酒2小杯。10贴...
1) Jiawei Ermiaofang 加味二妙方1. Effects of decoction on transferring rate of berberine hydrochloride in Jiawei Ermiaofang 配伍煎煮对加味二妙方中盐酸小檗碱转移率的影响更多例句>> 2) Modified Si miao Powder 加味四妙方 1. In addition, the platform is used to investigate modified Si Miao ...