Wei-hsuan HoHumanitas Taiwanica
建构古典诗学批评的新范式——方东树以文论诗新论 An New Discussion about Fang Dong-shu´s Poetical Criticism with the Text,建构古典诗学批评的新范式——方东树以文论诗新论 An New Discussion about Fang Dong-shu´s Poetical Criticism with the Text,An,New,Discussion,about,Fang,Dong-shu´s,Poetical...
Fang Dongshu is one of the most important poetic theorists of Tongcheng School,whose poetic theory follows the theory of literature of Tonghcheng School and reflects emphasis on literary form and the pursuit of aesthetic value.He inherited the tradition of comments on poetry by "Miao",i.e.inge...
The Communication between Poetics and Prose Discourse and the Systematization of Tongcheng School's Poetic Theory: On the Contribution of Fang Dongshu's Po... As an important poetic treatise representative of later stage of Tongcheng Prose School,Fang dongshu's Illuminating Remarks( zhaowei zhan...
in which Fang Dongshu compared Huang Tingjian's poems with those of Du Fu,Han Yu and Su Shi and discovered that Huang Tingjian's poetics originated from Du Fu and HanYu's poetic thinking.Fang Dongshu did not explore deep enough the connotations of Huang Tingjian's poems,but he was ...
10qiyi yang cheng xia cao qi宜阳城下草萋萋①shui dong liu fu xiang xi春唐jan涧②水东流复向西。fang shu wu ren hua zi luo芳树③无人花自落chun shan yi lu nido kong ti春山一路鸟空啼。注释qi qi fan mao de yang zi①萋萋:繁茂的样子。jian shan jian liu shui de gou②涧:山间流水的沟...
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找声母讲故事qingchen yi lun hong ricong dong fang清晨,一轮红日(r)从东方sheng qǐ xiǎoshu miáo zai yáng guang de zhaoshe xia我找到了zh、ch、sh、r的字形和升起,小树苗在阳光的照射下读音,我用小手描一描,试着读一读zhuó zhuang chéng zhǎng ding ling lingxiα茁壮成长。“丁零零……”下...
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