In this paper I look at how gender is performed in fanfiction, specifically in gender-swap stories within the Harry Potter fandom. Fanfiction is not constrained by any editorial oversight, and there are no financial considerations attached to either reading or writing it, two facts which make ...
The same parents cast protective spells on anything they could wave their wands at, reminding themselves of first journeys to Hogwarts, and the infamous Sorting Hat. But this was not platform 9 3/4, or the Hogwarts Express. Wizarding schools all had closely guarded secrets. Along with several ...
” She nodded to Harry and said: “Mister Potter, if it is at all within my powers I shall find a way to free you.” She stalked from the courtroom, followed by Fudge’s threats. ** What Harry never learned, was that Amelia Bones flooed directly to Hogwarts, where she contacted ...
Her second husband is a decent chap. According to the kids, they hardly ever row like we did. “True, our last kid is out of Hogwarts. She’s out of reasons to drag me back into court and take more money.” Our friendship lasted seven years, our marriage six, the divorce has laste...