《哈利波特》同人作品库HarryPotterFanfiction.com将被搬运至Archive of Our Own - AO3(AO3作品库)🎉 HarryPotterFanfiction.com创建于2001年,截至2021年包含了来自接近40000名作者的超过85000篇作品。因为HPF...
api scraper unofficial fanfiction ao3 archiveofourown Updated Jul 31, 2022 C# entorb / hpmor-de Star 27 Code Issues Pull requests Discussions Deutsche Übersetzung (German Translation) von “Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality” (HPMOR) pdf latex translation german ebook mobi epub...
11. Harry Porter FanfictionHarryPotterFanfiction.com is an archive of Harry Potter Fanfiction stories of all types. It is claimed to be the best and oldest Harry Potter fanfiction site on the web. Its archive contains more than 85,000 stories categorized by title, author, etc. If you ...
HARRY Potter book seriesFAN fictionANXIETYEMOTIONSFOOD consumptionEMOTIONAL stateDISCOURSEThis article employs distant reading to examine discursive norms for expressing emotion in comments on Harry Potter fanfiction on Archive of Our Own (AO3). Using text analysis tools to identify collocationa...
In this paper I look at how gender is performed in fanfiction, specifically in gender-swap stories within the Harry Potter fandom. Fanfiction is not constr
etc. One of the popular fanfiction sections of this website is Harry Potter’s segment. The only problem one may face at this website is that one may have to read some poor fanfiction work also because there is no pre-approval of content or editors to do the editing of the work. To...
MuggleNet Fan Fiction :: Harry Potter stories written by fans! Welcome to MuggleNet's fan fiction section! Feel free to browse around and read the stories, but you will need to register for a free account if you want to comment on them or submit your own. The Admins and Moderators just...
Anecdotally I can say that Harry Potter fics were my very first introductions to the concepts of consent and kink as a young teen. And honestly, I couldn't have asked for more enticing and dutiful teachers to guide me through my nascent sexuality. "In communities like mine where it's abst...
MuggleNet Fan Fiction :: Harry Potter stories written by fans! Welcome to MuggleNet's fan fiction section! Feel free to browse around and read the stories, but you will need to register for a free account if you want to comment on them or submit your own. The Admins and Moderators just...
Cassandra Clare’s wildly popular YA seriesThe Mortal Instrumentsalso got its start (and many of its most vibrant character descriptions)as Harry Potter fanfiction, and Sarah Rees Brennan's Carnegie Medal-nominated novels also have their roots in Harry Potter fanfiction, although the...