Archive of Our Own 首先是这两个网址。 http【】s://m.fa【】【】t/ http【】://archiveof【】【】/ 先说下面那个。首先找一篇小说 点进去,到看文章的页面…… 这儿有个自带的下载按钮 需求这四种格式的点它就可以了(也可以用网上搜的转格式软件转换成其他类型的) ...
I’ve found that archive of our own is probably one of the best and easiest to use (once you figure out the tagging system) both for quality of work and finding what you want (and don’t want) to read. Also, the invite doesn’t generally take too long to go through, about a wee...
So wrapped up in his own concerns, his exhaustion, his argument with Arthur, Francis doesn't notice Gilbert's pale, wide-eyed expression as he ushers him out the door and politely but firmly shuts it in his face. 弗朗西斯完全沉浸在自己的担忧、疲惫和与亚瑟的争论中,没有注意到吉尔伯特苍白的...
The fanfic site is facing a barrage of DDOS attacks, and it has left Archive of Our Own down for more than a day. Very sorry we can't give you your fanwork fix right now, or a time estimate for when AO3 will be back. Welcome to all our new followers, and sorry we had to ...
Mycoft folded his hands in front of his face and rested his elbows on the polished surface of his desk. His office smelled like old books and candle wax. The light filtering through the window caught dancing dust motes. 麦考夫特双手交叉放在脸前,两肘搁在锃亮的书桌上。他的办公室闻起来像旧...
方法/步骤 第一步:进入ao3的网站 首先,我们需要进入到ao3的网站,然后在网站里面找到我们想要看的小说。网址有两个:- 一个是[;另一个是。](
#同人文##Fanfiction##AO3##Archive of our own# 大家最爱的同人网站AO3在安卓系统上有app了! 看图感觉还是蛮好用的 不用再一本一本慢慢下载了 可惜 目前还没有苹果版的[笑cry][笑cry] 安卓下载地址
NullNoMoreXenotober 13: Frye and Irina, under the influence. Of hot chocolate!
are other sites that host Choices fanfic, most of them have some sort of disadvantage (interface, traffic, etc.) and a few of us thought it would be nice to have a place where we can easily access fanfic all in one place, with search functions, and decided to create our own archive....
The popular fanfiction platformArchive of Our Own(AO3) has been restored after a wave of distributed-denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks forced the website offline for over a day. AO3 first acknowledged the outage on the company’s official Twitter account on July 10th at 8.24AM ET,later confi...