which are used to denote the beginning of an action. This makes sense if you consider the overall theme of spring, which is the beginning of new life or new experiences. One such word isrecrudesce, “to break out afresh, as a sore, a disease, or anything else that has been quiescent....
The word “pop” comes from the fact that this type of dance style is mainly done to pop music, which is a genre of commercialized musical output. This genre is generally known for being very easy to dance to, making it a staple in many nightclubs and other dance venues. It is a st...
However, the word “fancy” was a substitute for “fanny,” which is a vulgar term for the buttocks or female genitals. The term “tickles someone’s fancy” was used in Latin literature in the late 14th century, meaning “to touch to bring out the laughter.” The idiom was later used...
That is how the questions, and especially the answers, read. Most of them. They often barely make sense and some of it is complete nonsense. I doubt they used the translator trick, so it may be that they looked up the most obscure synonym for each word and then garbled up the grammar...