Some day covid will be a painful memory, but the powers seized today will never be relinquished. Much has been made of how Trump “downplayed” the virus, but he wasn’t wrong to keep covid in perspective: (Chart made by VoidSurf.) Law and order: Trump has taken steps, within the...
If the path to the Withdrawal Agreement wasn’t evidence enough, the ultimate destination of the next 11 months – any semblance of a “free trade” deal – will be painful by an order of magnitude much greater than this one gone.
I was in a position this year that I never expected – to be hunting for a new job less than 6 months after starting the previous one, and this painful process has provided some insights that I think are worth sharing. Finding a new job isn’t like it used to be. It can take MANY...
My explanation is drawn from the painful personal experience, as a writer, of using a word or term or expression I am positive I have encountered before—only to find, at the last stage of rigorous vetting, that a) no reference work recognizes it, or now, in the cyber age, that b) ...
Similarly,couplesthatchoosenottohavechildrenaredecidinginfavorofpainlessfunoverpainfulhappiness.Theycandineoutevertheywantandsleepaslateastheywant.Coupleswithinfantchildrenareluckytogetawholenight’ssleeporathree-dayvacation.Idon’tknowanyparentwhowouldchoosethewordfuntodescriberaisingchildren. Understandingandacceptin...
I once went through a painful period where I knew I was in the wrong job but I had no idea where the right job was coming from. A friend I didn’t know all that well noticed I wasn’t myself and asked the right question in the right way. I poured out all the problems and ...
C.Total clean is a slow and painful job. D.We use a range of top quality varnishes to protect the work. E.The effect must match the original painting as closely as possible. F.And only in the most extreme circumstances would we fit a new or recycled stretcher. G.This is the first ...
There’s a good reason for that too. I fell in love with SQL Source Control the first time I used it in another company. Before it came along, we scripted out database objects, which is a pain. At one point in one company, we used the Visual Studio version, and that’s painful ...
Similarly,couplesthatchoosenottohavechildrenaredecidinginfavorofpainlessfunoverpainfulhappiness.Theycandineoutevertheywantandsleepaslateastheywant.Coupleswithinfantchildrenareluckytogetawholenight’ssleeporathree-dayvacation.Idon’tknowanyparentwhowouldchoosethewordfuntodescriberaisingchildren. ...