The meaning of FANCY is to have a fancy for : like. How to use fancy in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Fancy.
Define fancywork. fancywork synonyms, fancywork pronunciation, fancywork translation, English dictionary definition of fancywork. n. Decorative needlework, such as embroidery. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyr
Synonyms for FANCYWORK: embroidery, appliqué, improvement, enhancement, enrichment, embossment, gilt, glitter; Antonyms of FANCYWORK: disfigurement, scar, blemish, stain, defacement, spot, blot
Is fancy a Scrabble word? Yes, fancy is a Scrabble word! ...and is worth 13 points in Scrabble, and 14 points in Words with Friends Fancy is a valid Scrabble word. Fancy is a word starting with f ending with y. Check our list of words starting with f ending with y. ...
That's a fancy word for fancy. 哦啦啦! 我的家庭都很时尚,我们是时尚的代名词。 My mom twirls in front of the mirrow. "Why don't we go somewhere fancy tonight?" 我妈妈在镜子前转圈。 “我们何不今晚去哪里秀一下呢?” "How about dinner at...
a fancy word = 好听/好看 的字。 这段话的意思是,我们说提取(extraction),不过就是资源开采的好听点的说法,也就是破坏地球的好听点的说法。
, from Latin phantasia, from Greek phantasia "power of imagination; appearance, image, perception," from phantazesthai "picture to oneself," from phantos "visible," from phainesthai "appear," in late Greek "to imagine, have visions," related to phaos, phōs "light," phainein "to show, ...
Definition of fancy oneself as in the Idioms Dictionary. fancy oneself as phrase. What does fancy oneself as expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.
Stop using thefancy wordsand tell me how you really feel. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Now value proposition is afancy wordfor what product or service are you building. QED In the past few weeks... my opponent has usedfancy wordsto try to confuse the issues opensubtitles...