Peterson, HeatherDavis, Jeni R
Having no attachments, especially romantic ones, and free to do as one pleases. For example,When I was in my twenties, footloose and fancy-free, I would travel at the drop of a hat. Both of these words have long been used separately; their pairing dates only from the 1900s. ...
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1.fancy goods- goods that are chiefly ornamental commodity,trade good,good- articles of commerce plural,plural form- the form of a word that is used to denote more than one ...
Debra's not the only one who can throw aroundfancy words. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 """Gait"" is afancy wordfor the way you walk." Literature Nofancy words, OK? OpenSubtitles2018.v3 He'll call out these bigfancy words: 'OK, I want you to do staccato.' ...
fancy dress noun Synonyms for fancy dress nouna costume worn as a disguise at a masquerade party Synonyms masquerade costume masquerade Related Words costume disguise domino false face Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc....
The home page contains a randomly selected word cloud which will pique your curiosity and help you improve your vocabulary, while the search box allows you to find specific words easily. As you type, Dictionary homes in on the word you are looking for. Then you can follow the links in ...
They oblige, and Nancy helps to dress them in bows, ornaments, top hats, and gaudy scarves. “Ooo-la-la!” Nancy cries in delight. “My family is posh! That’s a fancy word for fancy.” Watch on Playlist Genre: Family Bookmarks: Report Episode List...
We now the French word for fantastic is the alsame as the English word but with a "que" at the end, we know "immediately" means right now, we know disaster means "very bad." Constantly explaining what these easy to understand words makes you come across as obnoxious and a passive ...
Liminal is a fancy word for having to do with a boundary. The academics have a fancy word for this space; they call it the “liminal”. Liminal is a fancy word that means “1: of or relating to a sensory threshold; 2: barely perceptible; 3: of, relating to, or being an intermedia...
noo-VOE -- Originally this was the French word for "new"; then Art Nouveau happened, and now this word is applied to any sort of thing that is like another thing, only newer. 20 Ménage 403 votes may-NAJ -- A word Americans only use when awkwardly attempting to elicit a three-way....