I have been getting on with other stuff though, which is doing me good – I think I got myself into a rut of knitting and sewing, which was good in some ways, but I needed to jolt myself back into achieving other things as well. So I’ve been gardening, which is going quite wel...
Other ways to get to know Ethan are his newsletter,Hebdromedary, which is a nerdy delight that only he could write (sign uphere), and thisinterviewbyBlake Boles. Hishome pageis also worth taking a look at. These days its mostly a list of recent classes he’s taught. ...
Espree Devora, founder ofSaveBusinessTime.comand Fancy Hands client, wrote agreat postonThe FoundersCard blogabout all of the ways she delegates. Here's what she has to say about Fancy Hands (I added two of my own notes, in parenthesis and without italics): "For virtual assistance helping...