b2b2, b3b3 is no more than repetitive application of chain rules, etc--we don't need anything more than good old calculus to make it work. With gradient calculated, we can use gradient descent to minimize the loss function (well, the convexity/local minima is another...
All this is probably just a round about way of saying that for me, alone time, is very very important. And when Daughter eventually goes to University, I would like her to go to a Uni in another town or who knows, may be even another country. She needs to go where she needs to g...
Or, rather,David Kibbe's Metamorphosis System. The Kibbe "System" is a rather obscure set of personal style rules from the 1980's, which is having a small renaissance on YouTube and wardrobe planning forums across the internet. It was brought to my attention by the lovely Gillian, ofCrafti...
Access to a network may be denied when the modification itself materially and adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and protocols for communication across the network.Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided, in accord with this section must be...
I wouldn't give you two cents for all your fancy rules if, behind them, they didn't have a little bit of plain, ordinary, everyday kindness and a little looking out for the other fella, too. —James Stewart 119 Take off all the masks, manners, fancy clothes, all the devices you ...
The rules are…there are no Rules! (except usingthe titleof the song part) We are now working our way through the Alphabet of artists/bands. We’re on letter C, and it reminded me of the C+C Music Factory. This song“Things that make you go Hmmm,”was greatly played on the radio...
One of my OG blog buddies Molly of My Name Is Yeh ROCKED this flower crown pink lamb cake! So young she could be my own child, AMY of Constellation Inspiration made an ADORABLE pink bunny cake! Azara of Milkmoon Kitchen RULES and she made my cactus cake!! I loooove how Michelle of...
“They are so excited because a lot of people will swing by our house and take pictures of it saying they were there where the Fancy Like dance was made,” Hayes says. “Fancy Like” has been a great way to show his children that hard work pays off. And he’s glad his efforts ...
a juggernaut of rules and regulations aimed at preserving and protecting the interests and desires of the political elite in the EU Commission and EU Parliament. In some ways, the EU is almost a recreation of the erstwhile USSR, albeit without overtly exerting the use of violence to keep its...
There are three things that are important to understand about the debt ceiling fight and the risk of default (in increasing order of importance): The Biden administration keeps saying that the US has never defaulted on its debt. That’s flatly untrue. The US has defaulted several times, most...