Get massive savings on exclusive Steam bundles and great PC, Mac, and Linux games - updated daily. Join our community of over 2.6 million gamers -...
Get massive savings on exclusive Steam bundles and great PC, Mac, and Linux games - updated daily. Join our community of over 2.6 million gamers -...
潛入本地合作 PC 遊戲的世界,共享遊戲玩法的魔力在這裡展現!無論您和您的朋友是在“煮糊了!2”和“煮糊了!吃到飽”的數字廚房中組隊,還是在“人類一敗塗地”中解開異想天開的物理謎題,這些遊戲都保證了無盡的歡笑和合作。透過「Enter the Gungeon」和「Outward Defini
Looking to try awesome new games at prices you won’t believe? Fanatical’s bundles offer the deals for you! Featuring the biggest and best Steam bundles...
Additionally, you’ll be able to create your very own avatar this time around, which you take with you whether you want to jump into the single-player story mode or play against others in some classic arcade-style games. So get your fists ready to learn from the Masters, perfect your te...
1 disapproving:a person exhibiting excessive enthusiasm and intense uncritical devotion toward some controversial matter (as in religion or politics) a religiousfanatic[=extremist] Thefanaticsare convinced they are serving a righteous cause and that all means are justified …—Flora Lewis ...
Get Seven Games for Your VR with Fanatical's Newest Build Your Own Elite VR Bundle - 2024 Edition Fanatical has released a brand-new bundle, and this time, it'll bolster your PCVR library! The Build Your Own Elite VR Bundle - 2024 Edition features a slew of some of ...
开发商:Toxic Games / 发行商:Trapped Nerve Games 价格:¥80 / 历史最低价:¥53 / 好评率88% / 简中 解谜游戏《Q.U.B.E 2》在一周特惠中达到新史低价-34%¥53。科幻题材第一人称解谜的风格有些接近《传送门》,你将进入一个全部由立方体组成的世界,并在助手的引导下不断前进。
000 digital games. Fanatical is one of the highest rated official game retailers on the independent review service, Trustpilot, earning an "excellent" 5 out of 5 rating from over 40,000 customer reviews. Fanatical is owned and operated by UK-based Focus Multimedia Limited, with over 23 years...
Fanatical has a new charity Into Games Bundle live, with a fun selection of games and with all proceeds going towards the UK's leading national non-profit for skills and careers in games.