Вопрос 2: Янемогунастроитьскоростьвращениячерез FanXpert 4. Шаг 1: Откройте FanXpert 4 в AI Suite 3, выполнитеповторнотюнинг. Шаг 2: Удалит...
13. ASUS Intel Z490系列的主板,于Fan Xpert 4中新增一 AI Cooling的功能,点选以开启此功能,系统将在稳定的状况下,降低系统所有风扇的速度,且不影响效能,降低风扇噪音。(下图以PRIME Z490-A为例) Q&A 问题1: 风扇不会转该如何处理? 步骤1:开启AI Suite 3中的Fan Xpert 4,重新做风扇调校。若无法解决请...
13. ASUS Intel Z490系列的主板,于Fan Xpert 4中新增一 AI Cooling的功能,点选以开启此功能,系统将在稳定的状况下,降低系统所有风扇的速度,且不影响效能,降低风扇噪音。(下图以PRIME Z490-A为例)
华硕主板 Fan Xpert 介绍之单个风扇温度监测控制 华硕主板 Fan Xpert 介绍之预设风扇转速控制模式 华硕主板 Fan Xpert 介绍之单个风扇转速调整控制 3. 其他说明 测温点的设置没有重置的选项,再次运行“风扇调校”无法将各个风扇的测温点恢复默认。 AI Cooling II 功能比较鸡肋,此处不作说明。 4. 操作视频参考: 202...
1.1 安装并运行 Armoury Crate,进入 Fan Xpert 设置页面 1.2 确认 Fan Xpert 处于开启状态 1.3 运行“风扇调校” 2. 单个风扇转速参数查看 2.1 CPU_FAN 2.2 Chassis Fan 2 2.3 Chassis Fan 4 2.4 AIO Pump 2.5 Water Pump+ 2.6 其他风扇 3. 操作视频参考: A. 个人主页历史文章索引 0. 前言 前面有写文章...
When I contacted Asus Support, they still claim Fan XPert will do it. So IS there an answer? Do I have to buy a separate fan contoller board? When I had a Asus 2080ti OC in that rig, the separate fan ports on the front of the GPU were supposed to work via GPUT, but that ...
當您使用Y型風扇分接器同時接多個風扇時,可以啓用ASUS HYDRANODE功能單獨控制每個連接到分接器的風扇。 注意:連接到分接器的風扇必須支援HYDRANODE。 Q1:Armoury Crate軟體的裝置欄中沒有Fan Xpert選項。 A1: Intel 600系列、AMD AM5系列主機板或更新系列的主機板可支援在Armoury Crate軟體中使用Fan Xpert。若您使用...
Step 1: Open Fan Xpert 4 in AI Suite 3, and do the fan tuning again. Step 2: Uninstall the AI Suite 3, and install AI Suite 3 again. Refer to the link below for the steps to install and uninstall the AI Suite 3. ...
When Windows finally is loaded the Fan Xpert runs a default fan profile. Remarkably the user made profiles are not deleted this time.I hope the Asus development team can deal with this IOMAP64.sys BSOD, because a lot of customers do have these annoying problem for years now. It doesn't ... Question 2: I am unable to set up the rotating speed through Fan Xpert 4. Step 1: Open Fan Xpert 4 in AI Suite 3, and do the fan tuning again. Step 2: Uninstall the AI Suite 3, and install AI Suite 3 again. Refer to the link below for the ste...