“Notably, (the novel) does not rely on many of the traditional tropes you would expect from an alien sci-fi, to invoke fear and awe, but rather comes with an entire new arsenal of imagination to remind us that we are very fragile and insignificant within the universe,“ said a reader,...
Atherogenicity of lipoprotein lipase in transgenic rabbits: J. Fan1, T. Ichikawa1, H. Unoki1, J. Liang1, T. Koike1, S. Kitajima2, T. Watanabe2. 1University of Tsukuba; 2Saga Medical School, Saga, Japandoi:10.1016/S1567-5688(02)80195-7ELSEVIER...
Extracts of whole cells that expressed the myc-UBE2W fusion proteins were prepared in RIPA lysis buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4, 150 mM NaCl, 1% (vol/vol) Triton X-100) supplemented with protease tablets (Roche). Five hundreds μl lysate was pre-cleared by incubating with 30 μl prot...
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真核生物FANCJ-like蛋白的结构和进化.pdf,Hereditas (Beijing) 2015 年 2 月, 37(2): 204 ―213 研究报告 真核生物FANCJ-like 蛋白的结构与进化 1 1 1,2 1 吉克伍合 ,武泽峰 ,范三红 ,奚绪光 1. 西北农林科技大学生命科学学院,杨凌 712100 ; 2. 旱区作物逆境生物学国家
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aFnEaLlyM1sis saimnpalifileydsmiosdesl.i(ma) Spchleimfiaetidc dimagDroamdoef lsi.m(pali)fieSd cmhodeeml; (ba) Stiimcpdlifiieadgram fiedTshpe srtirnesgs dLmi2stroibduetiol.n cloud of the SMA fan α clutch analyzed by FEM is shown in Figure 4. To observe the stress distribution of...