Best known for her roles on the popular television shows "Maude" and "The Golden Girls," the late Bea Arthur was also once a truck driver in theMarine Corps. She was one of the first members of the Women's Reserve, and aside from driving military trucks, Arthur was also a typist. ...
List of the most famous women leaders along with their biographies including facts, life, career, achievements and more.
Women were not officially allowed into the military until the 1900s, but even in the American Revolutionary War in the 1770s and 1780s, women still had a big impact on the actual war effort. Learn more about some of these famous and important women!
Recognizing powerful women of the decade, 2000-2009, whose role in history is likely to be remembered.
Byron was considered a celebrity in his era both for his success as a Romantic poet and for his aristocratic excesses, which included huge debts and many sex scandals – numerous love affairs with both men and women in a time when bisexuality was considered a crime, as well as rumours of...
American women’s history has been full of pioneers: Women who fought for their rights, worked hard to be treated equally and made great strides in fields like science, politics, sports, literature and art.
battles. From the myth-laden Trojan War to the brutal Battle of Cajamarca and even the fateful collision at Gettysburg, it's typically men who are credited for these romanticized victories. But what of the women throughout time and all around the globe who fought with passion, skill, and ...
Eventually, she was one of the first women to obtain a doctorate degree in this field from the University of Leiden. Dirk and Miep had two sons and two daughters (Hendrik, Ada, Els, and Herman). Coster is known as the co-discoverer of Hafnium (Hf) (element 72) in 1923, along with...
She went on to obtain a glider license, a helicopter license and would become Canada's first woman civil aviation flight test instructor. Back in Ottawa her daughter was born. Continuing to fly she won an Amelia Earhart Award from the Ninety-Nines, an international women's pilot organization....
The design encompassed the warmth and glow of the fertile soil, the green of the fields and trees, the yellow and brown of the autumn and the life giving sun and the white of the surf on a summer sea. Source: Outstanding women of Prince Edward Island Compiled by the Zonta Club of ...