Played with flair by Tatiana Maslany in Orphan Black, the brainy scientist and clone Cosima seeks answers to the genetic conspiracy that links her with her identical "sisters." Her inquisitive nature and deep understanding of genetics help unravel the mysteries surrounding their origins and ultimately...
List of the most popular authors from China, listed alphabetically with photos when available. For centuries authors have been among the world's most ...
Today, what was once a band of brothers has truly become a band of brothers and sisters." Grace Murray Hopper Commodore Grace Hopper Known as "Amazing Grace," Commodore Hopper's importance in U.S. naval history is apparent everywhere you turn: a destroyer was named after her (USS Hopper,...
When they were children, they loved to write stories. This love for stories grew (增长) as they became older and it led to the writing of their famous books.Out of the museum, we walked through the open lands that the Bronte sisters used to walk in. We could see a farmhouse (农舍) ...
Throughout the night, the prisoners and the warders were joking with each other. They had a good relationship. They were like sisters. They were telling jokes to each other and telling each other about their families. ‘On the morning of the execution, one of the other condemned prisoners ...
It is the very one no doubt that killed all of your brothers and sisters when they were quite small. She would have killed you too at the same time if a dog had not come along and frightened her away. If you had gone close to her this afternoon, I should never have seen you ...
Miller, Lucasta
A Here are four famous books. Have you read them? Let's read together!Little Women is a book published in1868 and written by the American writer Louis a May Alcott. The story tells the lives and loves of four sisters growing up during the American Civil War(美国南北战争).It is based...
From the famous Bronte sisters to modern-day authors like Nora Roberts, there is no shortage of talented writers who create amazing romance novels about love, passion, and adventure. Here is a list of famous romance authors and some of their must-read romance books. ...
She is an alumna of Bryn Mawr College, a member of the Seven Sisters women's colleges, where she received her bachelor's degree in 1972 as well as Ph.D. in 1976, both in history. Her areas of interest include women's movements, sexuality, and LGBT and women's history.She was the ...