While serving in the military, Williams began touring the country, giving motivational speeches to young Americans. He later filmed an introduction to the classroom version of the Civil War epic "Glory" (1989) and within two years the tall, imposing speaker landed "The Montel Williams Show." ...
The Discourse of Presidents Ronald Reagan and Daniel Ortega: Peace in Nicaragua without Concession. Seeking to understand American and Nicaraguan perspectives of the Nicaraguan revolution, a study examined the rhetorical strategies used by Presidents Reag... P Arneson - 《Communication Research》 被引量...
A QUARTER CENTURY AGO, President Ronald Reagan delivered two masterful addresses within two...Gingrich, Newt
Authorship of many of her articles is disputed (many of her speeches on these topics were collaborations between Woodhull, her backers, and her second husband, Colonel James Blood). However, despite her ethical problems, her role as a representative of these movements was powerful. Together with...
a truly great speaker and a truly great speech come together to create something that stands out and withstands the test of time, carrying meaning with it through generations, even to those who weren’t yet born when it was given. That holds true for me, a number of speeches on this li...
1、100 个著名英语演讲(100 famous english speeches)rankspeakertitle / textaudioduration1martin luther king, jr.i have a dream/zmp3entire2john fitzgersld kennedyinaugural addressreal audio entirefranklin delano rooseveltfirst inaugural addressreal audioentire4franklin delano rooseveltpearl harbor address to...
ronaldwilsonreagan spaceshuttlechallengerdisasteraddress , entire johnfitzgeraldkennedyhoustonministerial associationspeechrealaudio entire 10 lyndonbainesjohnson 〃weshallovercome・〃 mp3.1mp3・2 entire 11 mariomathewcuomo 1984dnckeynoteaddress mp3
100个著名英语演讲(100famousEnglishSpeeches)100个著名英语演讲(100 famous English Speeches)rank speaker title / text audio duration 1 martin luther king, jr."i have a dream"mp3 entire 2 john fitzgerald kennedy inaugural address real audio entire ...
100个著名英语演讲(100famousEnglishSpeeches) rank speaker title/text audio duration 1 martinlutherking,jr. "ihaveadream" mp3 entire 2 johnfitzgeraldkennedy inauguraladdress realaudio entire 3 franklindelanoroosevelt firstinauguraladdress realaudio entire ...
Bill Clinton is one of the most active former presidents. He makes speeches around the world. He wrote a best-selling book about his life. And he has set up a foundation that offers various___to people in need, including providing low cost medicines for people with AIDS around the world...