His unique style of humor, characterized by lengthy, intricate monologues, and energetic physical comedy, quickly gained him recognition and popularity. Cook's career took a turn for the better when he moved to New York City in 1994 and started performing in renowned comedy clubs. His break...
英国著名作家(AfamousEnglishwriter)英国著名作家(A famous English writer)The fourth part is the profile of Britain Tenth famous English writers Poet Byron (George, Gordon, Byron, 1788--1824): Britain's outstanding romantic poet. Born in London, a noble family, inherited the title at 10, an...
英国著名作家(AfamousEnglishwriter) ThefourthpartistheprofileofBritain TenthfamousEnglishwriters Poet Byron(George,Gordon,Byron,1788--1824):Britain's outstandingromanticpoet.BorninLondon,anoblefamily, inheritedthetitleat10,andbeganwritingpoetryattheage of14.In1816formarriage,hewentout,settledinItaly.As are...