Founded onOne Principlewhich states thatOne Substance,SPACE, exists with the Properties of a Wave Medium and that Matter exists as the Spherical Wave Motion of Space, this knowledge then provides asimple sensibledescription of how matter (and hence we 'Humans') exist and move about in Space, ...
Introduction to Physics: Wave Structure Matter (WSM)-Physics Aristotle-Physics Albert Einstein-Physics Quotes Quantum Theory-Famous Physics Quotes-Top of Page Introduction to Physics This page has a short summary of Physics with asimple explanation of their problems founded on the Wave Structure of M...
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Aristotle was revered among medieval Muslim scholars as "The First Teacher" and among medieval Christians like Thomas Aquinas as simply "The Philosopher". His ethics, though always influential, gained renewed interest with the modern advent of virtue ethics, such as in the thinking of Alasdair Mac...
(the wave motion of space) and this is the cause of change / time. (Interestingly, Aristotle also realised this connection between time, matter and motion - the common mistake was to consider the motion of matter in space and time - rather than the wave motion of space that causes matter...