She was known for her use of spiritual hymnals and quotes and her resilience in leading the civil rights movement for black women in Mississippi. She was extorted, threatened, harassed, shot at, and assaulted by white supremacists and police while trying to register for and exercise her right...
the summit of the world's third highest mountain. Her obituary in The Guardian quotes her as "She watched in sorrow as other climbers she knew were lost - Alison Hargreaves, Chantal Mauduit - and wrote of her historic ascent: "Over the years four women had died while attempting to climb ...
“Every creative impulse is shadowed by a possessive impulse; even the aspirant to saintliness may be jealous of the more successful saint.” — Bertrand Russell Success 1 Bertrand Russell Quotes “It's easy to fall in love. The hard part is finding someone to catch you.” — Bertrand Russ...
On the Bones of Saints November 24, 2013 bymickisuzanne Pope Francis with the Bones of St. Peter I’m not Catholic, but Pope Francis is such a blessing in our times. He marked the end of the Year of Faith by making (what are believed to be) the bones of St. Peter available for ...
(without a single kiss) played with Eli Wallach on a swing outside the house somehow slipped past the Hays' censors, earning her a much-deserved Oscar nomination for Best Actress. Condemned by the Catholic Church's Legion of Decency because of its "carnal suggestiveness," "Baby Doll" ...
This list contains information about ex-Mormon celebrities, loosely ranked by fame and popularity. Several famous actors, musicians, and politicians are former members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Some of these celebrities left the church when they became adults, while others...
she received her firststigma. From the 14th to the 20th century, more than 300 persons were identified as having been stigmatized; more than 60 were declaredsaintsor the blessed in theRoman Catholic Church. Famous among these areSt. Padre Pio, St. Faustina Kowalska, St. Rita of Cascia, an...