Additionally, Crawford starred in several high-profile advertising campaigns, including those for Pepsi and Revlon, further solidifying her status as a global fashion icon. Crawford's influence even extends beyond the realms of fashion and entertainment. She has been active in philanthropy, using her...
Additionally, Crawford starred in several high-profile advertising campaigns, including those for Pepsi and Revlon, further solidifying her status as a global fashion icon. Crawford's influence even extends beyond the realms of fashion and entertainment. She has been active in philanthropy, using her...
Inthisdigitalage,theInternetconnectstheworldthroughsocialmedia,cashlesspaymentsandhasbecomeaninstantsourceofinformation.Itcanalsomakeapositivedifferencethroughcampaignsthatpushforpositivechange,educationoraid. OnesuchcampaignisNovember.Themovement,heldeveryNovember,encouragesmentogrowamustacheforthewholemonth,postpicturesonl...
Democrats are poised to home in on his social media campaigns and work in Samoa, the island nation in the Pacific Ocean where doctors say he and his anti-vaccine acolytes seized on a tragedy to campaign against childhood inoculations. In 2018, two Samoan children died from botched...
Famous PR campaigns which grabbed attention for the brands behind them, inspired publicity stunts that crashed into our newsfeeds and social media timelines. As 2019 closes it’s time to call out some of our favourites. So in no particular order of bestness – here’s 35. ...
But critics have argued that his work advocating against vaccine use has cost lives. Democrats are poised to home in on his social media campaigns and work in Samoa, the island nation in the Pacific Ocean where doctors say he and his anti-vaccine a...
We are all human and we all make mistakes in judgement, however, if representative teams existed within advertising, then many of these careless campaigns would never make it past the pitch stage. Interestingly, it’s not just women who feel misrepresented.Researchcarried out by media agencyUMin...
Mao, being the great progressive leader he was, was against these anti-socialist trends. But there was only so much he could do about it on his own. Mao had launched no less than seven anti-corruption campaigns since 1949, but to no avail: the problem was deeply embedded, an...
Caesar's adopted heir Octavian, later known as Augustus, rose to sole power, and the era of the Roman Empire began. Much of Caesar's life is known from his own accounts of his military campaigns, and from other contemporary sources, mainly the letters and speeches of Cicero and the ...
Known for its square-shaped burger patties, Wendy's was one of the first of the big chains to adopt a drive-thru window. Wendy's popularity has been boosted by its creative advertising campaigns, like the 1984 "Where's the Beef?" ad and Thomas's frequent spots as the company spokesman...