Vilnius, Lithuania The visit to Vilnius, the capital city of Lithuania, is not only cheap but also amazing. Once a Lithuanian friend planned a weekend trip to Vilnius. A four-star hotel for two nights, meals, opera tickets and a visit to one of Vilnius’s world famous places cost less ...
Once a Lithuanian friend planned a weekend trip to Vilnius. A four-starhotel for two nights, meals, opera tickets and a visitto one of Vilnius's world famousplaces cost less than $500 per person. Sadly, with a baby at home I did not make thetrip. Vilnius has many art museums lovely...
Samarkand, the famous Silk Road city, is Uzbekistan's oldest and largest city and offers the essence of history, architecture, and bazaars everywhere. There are plenty ofplaces to visit in Samarkandthat you should explore in this city. It also has vibrant landscapes, bustling bazaars, and gra...
Kazys Varnelis (February 25, 1917 in Alsėdžiai – October 29, 2010 in Vilnius) was an abstract painter from Lithuania. He lived and worked in the United States of America for fifty years, between 1949 and 1998. His distinctive painting style demonstrated optical and three-dimensional illus...
Romanian culture was recognised by the government through awards in his lifetime and the maintenance of his home as museum up to the present; and a German painter - since, though he never lived in Germany, his identity as an ethnic German played a central part in his life and hi...