head to Jeddah’s Corniche for a leisurely stroll. Grab lunch at a seaside café and visit the famous King Fahd’s Fountain in the afternoon. Wrap up your day with a visit to the historic district of Al-Balad, where you
吉达夏日节 在吉达夏日节 (Jeddah Summer Festival) 中消暑,这是一个为期一个月的庆祝活动,从音乐会到体育比赛,应有尽有。这个节日吸引了当地人和游客,提供各种娱乐选择。无论您是想享受现场音乐、沉迷于美食,还是参加适合家庭的活动,吉达夏日节都能满足您的需求! 阿卜杜勒-阿齐兹国王骆驼节 如果想获得独特的...
Experience Jeddah Tower: Saudi Arabia's futuristic skyscraper, set to redefine global architecture and offer unparalleled Red Sea panoramas. By MapQuest Travel CN Tower: Toronto's Skyline Beacon and Architectural Wonder Explore CN Tower: Toronto's iconic landmark, engineering marvel, offering panoram...
In 2006, Forbes magazine ranked Taher 72nd in the list of the 100 Most Powerful Women in the World.Taher studied economics at King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. She continued her studies at Lancaster University Management School in the UK, where she received her MSc in ...
第3 天: 阿尔乌拉(Al-Ula)到吉达(Jeddah) 第三天,前往吉达。 花一个上午参观 Al-Ula 博物馆,深入了解该地区的历史。 之后,前往吉达的滨海大道悠闲漫步。 在海边咖啡馆享用午餐,下午参观著名的法赫德国王喷泉。 参观历史悠久的 Al-Balad 区,结束您的一天,在那里您可以探索传统市场。