He was a finalist of Star In A Million, a Philippine reality show aired on ABS-CBN channel, winning 4th place in the competition in 2003. After the contest, he signed a recording contract with Warner Music Philippines and released his self-titled debut album, Christian Bautista. The multi-...
Sheindlin is the longest serving judge or arbitrator in courtroom-themed programming history, a distinction that earned Sheindlin a place in the Guinness World Records. Birthplace: Brooklyn, New York, USA Dig Deeper The Richest Women in Entertainment And Deeper Famous ESTJs And Deeper 32 Celebrities...
FamousLocal and Foreign Entrepreneurs Edgar Sia II Down south in Iloilo city‚ he was once an obscure‚ down-to-earth businessman eking out a living. He’s nicknamed "Injap‚" the combined first syllables of his parents’ ethnic origins – father is “intsik” (Chinese)‚ while moth...
Sheindlin is the longest serving judge or arbitrator in courtroom-themed programming history, a distinction that earned Sheindlin a place in the Guinness World Records. Birthplace: Brooklyn, New York, USA Dig Deeper The Richest Women in Entertainment And Deeper Famous ESTJs And Deeper 32 Celebrities...
presidential election, winning the Ames Straw Poll in August 2011 but dropping out in January 2012 after finishing in sixth place in the Iowa caucuses. She previously served in the Minnesota Senate and is the first Republican woman to represent Minnesota in Congress. She is a supporter of the...