As Bart Simpson on the Fox animated comedy "The Simpsons" (1990- ) and before that in shorts on "The Tracey Ullman Show" (Fox, 1987-90), her work was well known, although as a voice actor she was largely unrecognized in person. From childhood, Cartwright realized she had unusual vocal...
Of these, he is the only person to have been awarded two unshared Nobel Prizes, and one of two people to be awarded Nobel Prizes in different fields, the other being Marie Curie. Birthplace: Portland, Oregon, USA Leo Baekeland Dec. at 80 (1863-1944) Leo Henri...
Selbst is alsothe only person, either female or male, to win the North American Poker Tour two times in a rowin 2010 and 2011! During her poker career, Vanessa Selbst participated in as many as 21 live poker tournaments! During her career, Vanessa Selbst took part in a total of 21 liv...
This is merely a short-short list for those of you who have been asked the question, who are some of the mostfamous person in the 1950s? Famous People in Entertainment Marilyn Monroe Real Name:Norma Jeane Mortenson or Baker Born: 6/1/26 in Los Angeles, California Died: 8/5/62 Legenda...
January Jones was born in Sioux Falls. When she was a toddler her family moved north toHecla, South Dakota, near the North Dakota border. The family moved back to Sioux Falls in 1996. SNL 2009 NBC/YouTube SNL 2009 January is pretty proud of her hometown and her South Dakota roots. In...
"The Mall of America attracts 40 million visitors in a typical year with chain stores that most people probably have near their hometowns. Some of the biggest draws have high prices: $50 for a day at Nickelodeon Universe, around $24 at the aquarium, and $28 a person for the Crayola Exp...
Russia launched an ongoing full-scale invasion in February 2022. As one of the most famous world leaders of today, Zelenskyy has earned international praise for his leadership during the crisis, was named Time’s Person of the Year in 2022, and has been ranked as Ukraine’s greatest presiden...
When you think of all the types of restaurants in South Dakota there isn't a category we miss out on. From fine dining to family. Fast food to the buffet. Casual to take-n-bake. But there is one restaurant in the state that does a knock-out job on ONE thing. Steak! In Hill Cit...
If you're Kennedy Assassination enthusiast, you know New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison. Garrison led the trial of Clay Shaw, the only person ever brought to trial in connection with the assassination (Shaw was later acquitted).
The Best Steak in South Dakota? Google Maps Voted Restaurant of the Year, The Alpine Inn has been a gold mine attraction in the Black Hills since the days of the Harney Peak Hotel of 1886. Family-owned & operated for over three decades on Main Street where people from all over the worl...