My whole family was in the Holocaust. My grandparents passed and not many survived. After the Holocaust, in Russia you were not allowed to be religious. So my parents raised me to know I was Jewish. You know who you are inside... When I was in school you would still see anti-Semiti...
Celebrity HealthNot everyone can stay healthy all the time, even rich and powerful celebrities. See which of your favorite celebs have dealt with various health issues and afflictions. Famous People Who Died of Throat Cancer Celebs Who Kept Illness Secret Celebrities Who Survived Cancer Cancer ...
By the end of the war, half of her family had died. Veil’s mother, whom she had a close relationship with, was a victim of typhus in Auschwitz, while her father and brother died en route to Lithuania. Simone and her two sisters survived the Holocaust. Having seen the selfless acts ...
In 1960, justice finally caught up with one of the great criminals of the age. Adolf Eichman, the Bureaucrat of the Holocaust, was put on trial in Israel, after being abducted by the Israeli secret agents in Argentina in a covert operation. After a long televised hearing, he was found g...
Bryant died from the fall, her body cushioning the blow for her goddaughter, who survived. While the event was no different from the routine tragedies that fill the local news, Forman’s picture of it was. Using a motor-drive camera, Forman was able to freeze the horrible tumbling moment ...
"Allan J. Feifer is a USA famous writer who writes an Unconventional war book and mission is to bring like-minded people together & economic ruin.
Hitler is undoubtedly one of the most famous world leaders of all time, but he’s also infamous. He started World War II with ruthless takeovers of much of Europe. He sent more than 6 million Jewish people to die in concentration camps during the Holocaust. Ultimately, his hubris led to ...
He was the first president of the country to acknowledge France's role in the Holocaust, and he defiantly opposed the US invasion of Iraq in 2003. France entered into the single European currency under his presidency, compulsory military service was abolished, and he also cut ...
in 2011 to help coach his daughter. Katy also says hermotivationcomes from her dad's mother, her Jewish grandmother who survived the holocaust.Commenting on the family's reactions to her success, Katy’s dad says, “I guess even we still haven’t wrapped our heads around who she...
De Gaulle survived her internment and in June 1945, she co-founded the Association of Deportees and Internees of the Resistance (ADIR), an organization that for 61 years provided female deportees and their families with free medical treatment, soup kitchens, short...