Easy fun trivia quiz questions with answers about people.Easy Famous People Trivia Quiz Questions With Answers For Seniors What is the birthday of Mario Andretti, who only has a real birthday every four years?A: 29th Feb. Diana, Princess of Wales, led the campaign against the use of which ...
There are18questions in this quiz. You have18more to go. Q 1 2 3 0have been correct out of the0answers submitted. RestartBacktrack Support Japan Zone Japan Zone has been a free online resource since 1999 thanks in large part to the support of people like you who are interested in Japa...
Famous People Trivia Quiz Questions The Shoe was a nickname for which jockey? A: Bill Shoemaker. Al Fatah was co-founded in 1957 by which Palestinian? A: Yasser Arafat. Which US President once said, "I know I'm getting better at golf because I'm hitting fewer spectators?" A: ...
TRIVIA COUNTRY - Easy Trivia Quiz Questions Easy Famous People Trivia Quiz Questions - Prince Albert, Elvis Presley, Henry Ford and More!Free printable easy famous people trivia quiz questions with answers - miscellaneous random trivia topics.
I was inspired to create my first Friends quiz after this years Thanksgiving episode. Enjoy this quiz about some of the famous faces that have appeared on Friends. All information is as of December 2001.
1.VocabularyQuiz -Iwillshowyousomepicturesoffamouspeople,andyouneedtotellmetheirnamesandwhattheyarefamousfor.(TeachershowspicturesofLiNa,YaoMing,Beckham,andChopin,andstudentsanswer) 2.SentenceCompletion -Fillintheblankswiththecorrectvocabularyfromtodayslesson.Youhave5minutestocompletethistask. -a.___(famous/...
This is a quiz about people who left us in 2021, but deserve to be remembered for many years to come. - test your knowledge in this quiz! (Author mazza47)
This is both a History and Art quiz. The game is divided into two Levels based on the difficulty of questions. Level 1 - 123 well-known persons (Julius Caesar, Alfred Hitchcock, etc.) Level 2 - 122 heroes that are harder to identify: Blaise Pascal, Kazimir Malevich and many other impor...
This quiz will be very interesting and very useful for people of all ages — thanks to it you will learn many new faces and names and you will spend time very fu…
THREESOMES! Well, sort of. This quiz is about things that come in threes, have three main characters or stars, or three different people who filled in on a role. Didnt mean to make it tricky, but its a varied combination of trivia. From soup to nuts.