解析 C。解析:Queen Mary在位时间不长,A选项错误。Queen Elizabeth I在位期间有诸多贡献,但相比之下,Queen Victoria在位时间更长,统治时期影响深远,B选项错误。Queen Victoria在位长达63年之久,是英国历史上在位时间较长且著名的女王,C选项正确。Queen Anne在位时间较短,D选项错误。
1. Stonehenge is one of the most famous(history) places in Britain.2. The old man gave away all his money to support(medicine) research.3. We must prevent people from(drive)without a driving license.4. To our surprise, the(lead) of this country will visit our country.5. I have ...
1.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 shows ___. A. the tower was built by famous people B. some famous people caused trouble there C. there were many famous people in British history D. there were many interesting stories connected to the tower 2....
Rosa Parks, Amelia Earhart, Marie Curie, Gloria Steinem, and Taylor Swift are just some of the women who have become famous for shaping the world as we know it.
And Deeper Famous People With Tourette's Syndrome William Blake Dec. at 69 (1757-1827) William Blake (28 November 1757 – 12 August 1827) was an English poet, painter, and printmaker. Largely unrecognised during his lifetime, Blake is now considered a seminal figure in the history of the...
Week 13- UK History and Famous People BritishHistory RomanBritain(43AD)•TheRomanswerethefirsttoinvadeBritainnearly2000yearsago.•TheRomanEmpiremadeitsmarkonBritain,andeventoday,theruinsofRomanbuildings,forts,roads,andbathscanbefoundalloverBritain.•BritainwaspartoftheRomanEmpireforalmost400years!Roman...
“In His will is our peace.” Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy 5. Geoffrey Chaucer (c. 1343–1400) Chaucer is sometimes referred to as the “father of English poetry” Some people refer to Chaucer as the “Father of English Literature,” this is largely down to Canterbury Tales, which...
Famous People In the UK 英国著名人物 FAMOUSPEOPLEFROMTHEUNITEDKINGDOM 100GreatestBritons 100GREATESTBRITONS •"100GreatestBritons"wasaprogrammebroadcastin2002bytheBBC.ItwasbasedonatelevisionpollconductedtodeterminewhomtheUnitedKingdompublicconsideredthegreatestBritishpeopleinhistory.•Thedefinitionofa'GreatBriton...
Nationality:British Known For:Primate studies Jane Goodall is known world-wide for her groundbreaking studies on primates. She is considered the top expert on chimpanzeees in the world and is perhaps best known for her 45 year study on the social lives of these animals in Tanzania.Shirley Jacks...
He became a member of the Privy Council of the United Kingdom in 1991. He was the author of several books of military history, including his controversial work The Donkeys (1961), which inspired the musical satire Oh, What a Lovely War! Clark became known for his flamboyance, wit, and ...