List of famous people from Spain, including photos when available. The people below are listed by their popularity, so the most recognizable names are at the ...
Austria has been home to many remarkable individuals who went on to achieve greatness. These exceptional people have made significant contributions to various ...
Famous Spanish PeopleSpain is a kingdom and thus we begin our listing with the Spanish king who belongs to the House of Borbón-Anjou. King Felipe VI (born 1968) is the King of Spain after he took over the reign from his father King Juan Carlos I in 2014. He is married to Queen ...
Over the next 700 years, Spanish-speaking people would slowly expand their kingdoms; one of these was known as Castile. By the 1400s, Castile was the largest power in the Iberian Peninsula and had pushed the Moors into the southern tip of Spain. The actions of the kings during this period...
of Vatican City was born named Karol Józef Wojtyła in Wadowice. He was the first pope since the 16th century that did not come from Italy. This pope led the Catholic Church from 1978 until his death. In 1985 he initiated the World Youth Days an international event for young people. ...
Here is a list offamous people from United Kingdom. Curious if anybody from United Kingdom made it ourmost famous people in the worldlist? Read the aformentioned article in order to find out. Paul McCartney Psychedelic rock Artist Sir James Paul McCartney, MBE is an English musician, singer...
Thanks to the world famous wrter Garcia Marquez, many peoplethink of Latin America as a land of magic.Where does the magic in his books come from? It may come from themix of different cultures and ethnicities(种族) in Latin America.Although some of their differences have caused troubles, ...
n some Spanish-speaking countries, one of themost famous traditions is bullfighting(斗牛)In a sports ground, a man faces a bull (公牛)inside a ring. The man 1 a large cape(斗篷) todraw the bull's attention, finally making t angry Thebul rushes at the man, who is ready to skillfully...
Miguel de Cervantes(1547–1616), Spanish writer. The Basics: This site does NOT have a full and complete list of all "famous Masons" of all countries of all times. There is no such list. This site is one of the VERY few that has paid particular attention to ensuring that those listed...
Britain has also invented the most sports out of all the countries in the world from soccer, tennis, golf, rugby, boxing just to name a few. The Magna carter is considered to be the first written constitution between the people and their ruler and has been the template for most other ...