Old Hollywood lives on in this list of notable people and celebrities buried at Hollywood Forever Cemetery. This list includes the names of famous and ...
List of famous people from Nottingham, including photos when available. The people below are listed by their popularity, so the most recognizable names are at ...
Born into a working-class family in Dewsbury in 1929, she was introduced to politics at an early age through her mother's membership of the women's section of the Labour Party. She became the Labour MP for West Bromwich in 1973 and for West Bromwich West - when the sea...
And Deeper 32 Famous People with Hepatitis C Anne Rice The Queen of the Damned, Interview with the Vampire, The Vampire Armand Famed New Orleans author Anne Rice received her M.A. in creative writing, soon thereafter penning "Interview With the Vampire," the first book of her legendary "Vam...
His famous work Edward Kennedy Ellington was born on April 29, 1899 in Washington, D. C. It was until Ellington became a teenager that his love for music grew. He taught himself to play the piano by listening to famous piano music. Many people thought he was a genius (天才). Sometime...
Quite a fewfamousinventionswereinventedbyyoungpeople. Sometimesthoseinventionswereactuallypatented(获专利)orprototypedlateroninlifewhentheinventorswereadults, buttheinitialideaorconceptwereoftencreatedwhiletheywerekids.FrankEppersoninventedthepopsicle(冰棍儿)whenhewasjust 11 yearsold. Onenightin 1905, inSan...
Italo Calvino has also been well received in China, where he is well known. For the young people, Italo Calvino is easy to read, or at least it’s easier than reading “Ulysses” and “Gravity’s Raibow” for “Ulysses” and “Gravity’s Rainbow”. And his images are so obvious that...
But unfortunately Shelley unfortunately drowned in the sea on the way in 1822, only 30 years old. The main works are "Cenci" (The Cenci, 1819), "liberation" Plo Michel J (Prometheus Unbound, 1819), "to the British people" (Song tothe Men of England, 1819), "1819" (England in1819)...
He sang country songs that many people loved. Born in 1923, Williams had a special way of singing that touched people’s hearts. His songs were about real life – both happy and sad times. Some of his most famous songs are: “Your Cheatin’ Heart” “Hey, Good Lookin'” “I’m So...
It was only 18 years later, in 1923 that Frank has applied for a patent for what he called the “frozen ice on a stick” and started selling it in different flavours. Next time you eat a frozen treat, think about the 11 year old who left his drink in the cold. Chester Greenwood ...