His late period culminates with the Black Paintings of 1819–1823, applied on oil on the plaster walls of his house the Quinta del Sordo (House of the Deaf Man) where, disillusioned by political and social developments in Spain he lived in near isolation. Goya eventually abandoned Spain in ...
His paintings and poetry have been characterised as part of the Romantic movement and as "Pre-Romantic". A committed Christian who was hostile to the Church of England (indeed, to almost all forms of organised religion), Blake was influenced by the ideals and ambitions of the French and ...
Famous Paintings Analyzed: Interpretation and Meaning of Oils, Frescoes and Watercolours by Old Masters
Statues have been created by man since the prehistory for all kinds of reasons and in all sizes. One of the first statues, a 12 inch high sculpture called the Lion Man, was created almost 32,000 years ago. The original Seven Wonders of the World included
Where she would have been in the tomb, there are flowers as she has since ascended to heaven. The apostles are all looking in amazement as they see her image above with Jesus. The upper portion of the painting depicts the Virgin Mary and Jesus, who is crowning her as the blessed ...
From the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel to the David, here are eight of Michelangelo’s most famous paintings and sculptures. Along with Da Vinci and Raphael, the Italian painter and sculptor Michelangelo Buonarotti is one of the great figures of theRenaissance. Below, we take a look at eight...
He also made detailed sketches and paintings of rocks, plants, birds, landscapes, and architectural structures and ornamentation. John Russell, 13th Duke of Bedford - (1917-2002). British peer and writer. Self-styled pioneer of "stately home" showmanship. Russell was the first Duke of Bedford ...
Discover below our selection of the 42 most famous landmarks of Spain, breakdown by category. 🏛 Famous Spain Monuments: La Sagrada Família Park Güell Casa Battló Casa Milà Temple of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Sagrat Cor) Alhambra Alcázar de Sevilla Catedral de Sevilla Plaza de Espa...
follows the havoc created by the Devil and his minions in Moscow. Interwoven with the Devil’s arc is the story of Pontius Pilate and the trial and execution of Jesus. It is in Alexander Garden that the Devil’s demonic assassin, Azazello, meets Margarita and pulls her from Communist reali...
a team of archaeologists conducted a major excavation that brought to light the remains of a fabulous city of the Minoan civilization dating from 1600 BC. Large quantities of artifacts, including frescoes, paintings, ancient utensils, clay, and metal objects were discovered at the site of Akrotiri...