List of famous writers from Russia, listed alphabetically with photos when available. Russia is home to many prolific writers, including those who write ...
Vincent van Gogh, (梵高) one of the most famous painters(油画家),was born in 1853 in the Netherlands.When he was a young man van Gogh travelled to France,England,and Belgium,but near the end of his life he moved to France. Van Gogh began to draw when he was a child,but he star...
List of the most popular authors from China, listed alphabetically with photos when available. For centuries authors have been among the world's most ...
Vincent van Gogh is one of the most famous painters in the world. He was born in the Netherlands in 1853. Van Gogh had a difficult life. He was poor and often had mental health problems. But he loved painting. His paintings are full of bright colors and strong emotions. One of his ...
was only 10 years old when the Song Dynasty fell to the Yuan Dynasty. Therefore, many painters openly opposed official tendencies in art. They did not want to live in the capital and work at the Mongolian court. In their paintings, these artists turned to the themes developed in the Song...
Louisa May Alcott Biography Georgia O'Keeffe Artists & Painters Georgia O'Keeffe Artist Georgia O'Keeffe enriched American modernism and precisionism with her artwork, mostly water color and charcoal paintings. She was the first female artist to have a retrospective at New York’sMOMA. Her paintin...
(encourage) by his family to paint.In 1917,he went to Japan(3) to learn(learn) painting Two years later,he went to Shanghai to receive(4) traditional(tradition) painting instruction from two famous Chinese painters. (5) Withthe help of them,Zhang had the chance t...
oilpaints.Sincethen,oilpainters,asanindependent paintingspecies,havebecomepopularintheEuropean continent. FamousWesternoilpainters DaVinci,asanoutstandingrepresentativeoftheRenaissance, DaVinci'sachievementsandcontributionsarevarious,DaVinci wasborninatownnearFlorence:Finchtown.Whenhewasyoung ...
Ruskin first came to widespread attention with the first volume of Modern Painters (1843), an extended essay in defence of the work of J. M. W. Turner in which he argued that the principal role of the artist is "truth to nature." From the 1850s, he championed the Pre-Raphaelites, ...
List of notable or famous painters from Mexico, with bios and photos, including the top painters born in Mexico and even some popular painters who immigrated ...