Perez Hilton, born as Mario Armando Lavandeira Jr., has made an indelible mark in the entertainment industry as one of the most infamous celebrity bloggers. His journey began in Miami, Florida, on March 23, 1978, where he was raised until he moved to New York City to pursue his dream of...
Owens' show on KMPC was known for its host of strange and silly characters, many of whom were voiced by Owens himself. One of the host's popular segments was his "Moo Cow Report," which gave supposed traffic information based on the fictional movement of cows acr...
Baymax was the one thing that made big hero 6 even better. Some characters are funny, but he made me cry with laughter the first time I saw him. Plus he has a selfless side. All he cares about in the film is his friends. He was willing to sacrifice himself for hiro and a strange...
There are two things that make this film one of the best made in the last few years- characters and music. I am personally not a big fan of 70s music, but it is used very well in this film, most of my favourite scenes are made all the more memorable by the music, which includes...
Nala cat is one of the more recent famous felines. She has a cross-eyed gaze that’s made her famous. She’s best known for her funny expressions, but she’s also a very well-behaved cat. 8. Sammie View this post on Instagram ...
to prominence as the drummer for the iconic punk rock bandBlink-182, contributing to their success with hits like “All the Small Things” and “What’s My Age Again?”. Rolling Stone referred to him as “punk’s first superstar drummer” and one of the 100 greatest drummers of all ...
Before going on to appear in such iconic films as Apocalypse Now, Boyz N the Hood, and the original Matrix trilogy, a preteen Laurence Fishburne played Josh West Hall on One Life to Live from 1973 to 1976. —Mary Sollosi 07 of 58 Julianne Moore, As the World Turns C Flanigan/Gett...
Her ability to make viewers feel what her characters are going through, combined with her intelligence, wit, and charm make her an undeniable presence both on the big and small screen. With numerous award nominations and accolades, she continues to show why she is one of the most renowned ac...
“It Had to Be You” is a delightful romantic comedy that follows the story of Phoebe Somerville and famous Chicago Stars quarterback Bobby Tom Denton. As they reluctantly join a business venture, an intense attraction develops between them. With its captivating characters and witty banter, “It...
, they dressed down in perfectly relaxed sweaters and crisp slacks. if your dad didn't change into something like this after work, his dad definitely did. bettmann 2/23 arnold palmer, 1965 dads love golf, and dads really love polos . in the ‘60s, no one played the former—or wore ...